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The month of January is one filled with events, changes, and fun for the SIKC! 

Anniversary events will typically include a fancy dress Gala, SIKC themed trials and shows, along with whatever other fun ideas the staff can come up with to celebrate with the community and reflect on the past years.


Thank you for spending another year with us! 2022's Anniversary Event Series shows the return of the Gala Catwalk with a culmination of the Fidget Conformation and Agility events with the Weston Worlds shows. We have a host of other events that'll be hosted so be sure to check out the forum and our calendar for more information!



As in previous years, the Gala lot will be used as the venue for the fancy dress Anniversary Gala; dust off your gowns and tuxes and head out to Brindleton Bay where your dogs can strut their stuff down the catwalk for this conformation show!

Weston World Championships



event duration:

06 Jan, 2022 - 31 Jan, 2022 @ 11.59 Pacific

Adult All-Breed Conformation, All-Breed Agility, Junior Dog & Handler Conformation

Thank you, as always, to Kaiser for building such a lovely lot for us to use!


The elegance, beauty and grace of our canine athletes combined with the excitement of competition in one of the oldest and most famous sporting events culminates in a yearly two-part series to close out the SIKC's Anniversary events.

Make your way out to Brindleton Bay to showcase all that hard work both Sim and dog have put in throughout the year!


As this is a prestige event we require that all entries take place in a specific lot as the goal is to simulate everyone coming in to attend the National Show.

We understand that many people are missing various additions to the game so there will be some allowance allowed in the overall appearance and look of the lot when it comes to entries.

Like with the Gala lot, if there are items that do not show up due to lack of packs or inability to use specific CC that's fine, as long as the overall interior of the lot is not changed, this means no knocking down walls or adding any and no changing the flooring.


event duration:

06 Jan, 2022 - 31 Jan, 2022 @ 11.59 Pacific


event duration:

06 Jan , 2022 - 31 Jan, 2022 @ 11.59 Pacific


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All content on this site is intended for role-playing purposes with the Sims 4.

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