SIKC 'Merchandise' while not real-world obtainable, is a way for your sims and their canines to obtain some club-exclusive items be that CC, poses, re-colours, etc.
Looking for a slick jumper to advertise your breed club, maybe a snazzy customised new collar for your pup, or some high-quality equipment for some at-home training? Look no further than the SIKC Merchandise Shoppe!
Take a look at our catalogue and snag yourself some snazzy canine apparel or some slick poses to give you a headstart in the show ring.

The SIKC itself does not have a global TOU! Each creator of the provided merchandise will have their own TOUs, that will be provided, that should be followed. Creators are free to turn down sending their merchandise without explanation at which point currency will be refunded.

Collars, leashes, clothing, and more.

Poses for both dog and sim.

Merchandise offered by our community.

Build/buy items and/or recolours.

Things that were offered as event exclusives.
Exclusive items have limited stock and may not be available until the next restocking date.