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Trick or Treat, 2020


Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Similar to our Easter Egg hunt, throughout Saturday and Sunday you can periodically find a hidden amongst the forums and site that will allow you to trick or treat for gifts!


Rest assured, there will be no jump scares or graphic/scary imagery included in any of these, and even the "tricks" are gifts we feel will be helpful and of interest to the community - so don't be afraid to ask for a 'Trick' instead of a 'Treat'! Come Monday all Tricks and Treats will be available periodically throughout the day as the last chance to participate but after that everything will be packed away until a later date.


Event Information


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All content on this site is intended for role-playing purposes with the Sims 4.

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