Spring Egg Hunt, 2020

Welcome to the Spring Egg Hunt!
As a celebration of both Easter and the Spring season, the staff will be hiding 12 festive eggs around both the forums and the site for the days leading up to Easter Sunday on 12 April!
Each day a new egg will be hidden and once found may be clicked to awarded a prize! The eggs will be able to be found on any page of our website along with any recent posts on the forums; so no worries about having to dig through the archive or large threads to find these gifts.
Eggs will be active for 24 hours after they've been hidden! Once that timer expires a new egg, containing a new gift, will be hidden and the previous days' gift will be unavailable until the 12th. Come the 12th we'll put all hidden gifts out for another 24 hours but come the 13th all gifts, hidden and unlocked, will be removed until another avenue to obtain them has been worked out.

Unlock More Gifts!​
Along with the hidden eggs, there will also be a few 'unlockable' gifts! These will be unlocked via completing something from our Prompts Section or via some engaging RP that the staff see during the Egg Hunt!
Share some story content about your dogs, kennel, or kennel owner and their family be it in the Photo Albums, Training Journal, Journal, the Photo Contest, or inspired by the Prompts Thread. You'll know a gift has been unlocked when you see the basket pictured show up on a post, so keep an eye out and share with the community! The more RP and/or Storytelling posts we see the more likely a gift will be unlocked.
Unlockables will only be available during the Egg Hunt and thus will have a bit more to them!
Unlockables Earned: 1

Hidden Eggs
Eggs will be hidden within posts! We've included an example so that you'll know what to look for - simply click the little egg once you find it, be it on the forums or on the website, and you'll be directed to the page that holds the download, these downloads will only be active until the next egg is hidden, so make sure you grab the gift when you notice it!
Hidden Egg Day: 12
Example Egg!