Harvestfest, 2021

Our Harvestfest Series will span the months of October and November showcasing themed shows, trials, contests, and some fun events for our community!
Be sure to check out the event schedule so you don't miss out and don't forget to head over to the SIKC Store for a special Harvestfest discount on some new and old stock.

Double, double toil
and trouble;
Fire burn
and caldron bubble.

5 - 18 October
Song of the Witches Photo Contest (5-31)
19 - 31 October
Diving for Apples Dock Diving Trial
Fright Night Agility & FastCAT Combo Trial
1 - 15 November
Autumn Nights Conformation Show (2-20)
15 - 30 November
Special Events
The SIKC Trick OR TREAT event is back with an all-new list of tricks and treats to offer this year.
Make sure to keep an eye on the forums for the announcement of when this event goes live and then be on the lookout for doors to trick or treat at throughout the event period.
October & November

Event Duration
16 - 18 October​
23 - 25 October
30 - 31 October

Welcome to the SIKC's first-ever Cattle Drive!
Sims and their dogs will gear up and set out alongside 1,500 head of cattle starting on the 10th of November and hopefully reach the herds new home by the 10th of December.

Event Duration
10 November -11 December