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Dizzy Nio, Blue Rivers
Welcome to Ceardlann! We offer a variety of items and services and have done so for all of our time with the SIKC. Our storefront offers some more exclusive or early-release items. 50% of proceeds go towards the DPC!​
Agility Poses

Large Dog Agility Poses
Various jump clears, A Frame, Tunnels for Pet Stories and Pixelpfote items.
150§ | 1BR22254
Baby Gate
Baby Gate Poses

Baby Gate Resize & Recolour
Gate is shorter, longer, and a bit thicker .
Should better fit poses for the Small Dog body.
250§ | 1BR22256
Small Dog Poses for Baby Gate
4 poses that can be used on their own or as a group. 1 pose meant to be used singularly.
100§ | 1BR22258
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